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Club Background
Scottish American Society

Our Charter

Our group doesn't have one.  We are very informal and hope to remain so.  We don't want a charter, rules of order, constitution, or by-laws.  We do have officers and we do have membership requirements.  Our goal is to remain congenial, to have fun, fellowship, and to enjoy our cultural heritage. 
Our Club Officers:
Chairmen & contact persons:  Jim & Margaret Frost
Co-Chairmen: Bill & Ann Douglas Heflin, Gene & Betty Marcus, Don & Joann Mellen.

Treasurer:  Don Mellen; Secretary: Jim Frost Hospitality: Betty & Gene Marcus; Membership Chairman: Ann Douglas Heflin; Genealogy: Nancy Haggard Davis; Event Chairmen: Bill Heflin, Gene Marcus, Bob Morehead. 

History of Our Club

Congratulations to us!  We're almost two years old now and growing in number.  Folks seem to like the way things are run so far.  We are open to suggestions from any of the members, however.  [Membership is by invitation.]  We offer a lot of activities throughout the year and participation is limited only to those who think whatever we are doing sounds interesting.    There are no dues, but we do request a voluntary contribution of $10 a year per family or individual.  But if you can't afford it, don't let that keep you away.  The important thing is to enjoy the activity, enjoy each other's company, and support the culture and history of Scotland.

The Legend of the Thistle

The thistle is the symbol of our organization because it is the symbol of Scotland. But why was this thorny flower (some might even call it a weed) chosen as the symbol of a tenacious people? It is at least partially because of an incident that occurred many years ago when the Scottish army was fending off Viking invaders on a regular basis.

It is said that one night a group of Scottish fighting men was fast asleep in a field encampment. A raiding party of Vikings was sneaking up on them, barefoot, as was the custom. As they approached in the darkness, they trod upon the wild thistles. The thorns dug deep into the soles of their feet. Unable to control their afflicted surprise, the invaders cried out in pain, rousing the sleeping Scots. The Scottish soldiers leapt to their feet, grabbing their swords, and quickly vanquished their foes.

Thus it was that the thistle became the emblem of Scotland, bearing the motto "Nemo me impune lacessit" meaning "No-one provokes me with impunity" or as we loosely translate it: "If you tread on us we will give you pain."

Scottish American Society Logo


Our motto is: 
"If you tread on us we will give you pain."