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Beltane Festival 2013 photos

Scottish American Society

Just a few memories of our festival this year.

Photo by Dave Belvin
Photo by Dave Belvin

The McKenney Family Singers

Welsh Dancers with Audience Participation
Northeast Ohio Harpers
Kent Singers
Joe Walsh doing the Sword Dance
Highland Athletes
Highland Athlete - yes, this is a girl.
Braw Laddies!
Russ & Kenny Luyster
Everyone wants to get into the act!
Clan & Vendor Area
Clan and vendor area
clan and vendor area
Tigh na Creige dancers
pipers playing
Busy Day
Pipe Major
Photo by Dave Belvin

Tigh na Creige Dancers

Miss Meghan
O'Hare Irish Dancers
Junior Athletes
Tigh na Creige Dancers
Caber Toss - junior version
Junior Athlete competing
Basket Auction - All proceeds to Pegasus
Choosing winners
Tricia Fairman - Extraordinary Scottish Fiddler
cheeky piper
Pretty Scottish Lassies

This is just a sampling.  There was so much more! 
The photo is the Tudor House - new venue for our festival.  The house and grounds are beautiful and can be rented for special events.  Contact the City of New Franklin for information and rates.