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Scots Language

Scottish American Society

Scots is not just for Burns Night.

Scots is a living vibrant language, full of words you'll not find in English, recognised by the European Union as one of Europe's languages and deserves support and encouragement, both of which are sadly lacking from the Westminster Government and our own Parliament in Edinburgh.
Many of your members will not come from a Gaelic background but from one where Scots was the the Mother Tongue. I like many people have both a Scots and Gaelic background. This is not them or us, but both together.
We at the SLS produce 2 magazines a year, all in Scots, featuring poetry, articles and short stories. An excellent read. We also have a large selection of Cds on our Scotsoun Label, featuring many of Scotland's top Poets, Pipers and singers.
I hope you and your membership will consider our Society and consider taking out a Membership which is currently £20.00 for overseas and £25.00 for a Corporate membership.
Guid dey,
A wis peerin intae yer associe wab-page an michty me, thare's nae airt fur the Scots leid!
Scots is nae juist fur Burn's Nicht ye ken. Scots is a livin leid fu o smeddum an braw wurds ye'll nae fun in Ingliss. Scots is kent waein the European Union as ain o Europe's leids an deserves mair support frae baith the Westmeinster an Scots parliaments. 
Mony o yer memmers will nae hae ae Gealic backgrun but hail frae an airt whaur Scots wis the mither tongue. Scots wir the leid for onywan frae Shetlend richt doun the east coast, Aiberdeenshire, Banff, Moray doun throu Angus, Fife, the Lothians, richt throu the Central Belt doun aroun Ayrshire and richt across the border airts. Like maist fowk A hae baith Scots and Gaelic backgrun an baith culturs ar important. This is  nae ain agin the ither, but ye maun recognise that baith Scots and Gaelic ar intrigal tae Scotland.
Oor associe prent twa braw magazines a year, aa in Scots, fu o poesy, airtickles and wee yarns. Ae richt graun read! We also hae oor ain label 'Scotsou' wi CDs  featurin mony o Scotia's tap Bards, Pipers an Singers
A Howp ye an yer memmershup will consider oor associe an think o taein oot ae memmershup baith as private individuals an/or corporate societies.
Yours aye,

George T. Watt,
(Memmershup scecretar) 
4 Ancrum Drive,

tel. 01382 642131

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